Clothing brand orders will be trick

Ordering is one of the most important jobs in the clothing retail store business. Some people say that the order is good or bad, which determines half of the sales in the quarter. This sentence is a bit reasonable. In any area, the quality of products is the basis of sales performance, as is the apparel industry. Having a plate of good goods, the display image of the shop and the introduction of shopping guides will do more with less. On the contrary, if the ordered goods are not ideal, the work in the latter stage will be much more difficult.

First, why did the brand company implement the order system? In less than a decade ago, China's clothing market was still a time when wholesale was prevalent. At that time, a small number of brand companies began to transition to monopoly, and implement the order system. Up to now, most brand companies have already implemented the order system, and some even buy out orders.

When the clothing brand company had just made a monopoly from the wholesale transformation, many franchisees could not understand the order system at that time, and even had a conflict. Today, many franchisees have deeply felt the benefits brought about by the ordering system. However, some franchisees still believe that the distribution system is better. Ordering is actually a brand company's transfer of risk to franchisees. In fact, many current franchisees think so and do so. All of them are 1:1:1 in the ordering and look good at the 2:2:1 style. This is actually a kind of "looking at goods," the ordering method, in their own words is called "first set point selling and selling, if you sell I will certainly make up."

So why should China's clothing market implement ordering? This is an inevitable trend in the development of the apparel industry. Franchisees are afraid of ordering because of fear of producing inventory. They think that inventory is a big shard in the apparel business. In fact, in addition to inventory, out of stock is also a terrible phenomenon in the management of apparel items. We use a hypothetical formula to calculate it. For example, if a certain brand's supply discount is 50% off, then when a certain item of our brand goes away and produces stock, we can sell it at an average price of 40%. If the retail price of the product is 100 yuan, then Each lost 1 unit of inventory franchisees loses 10 yuan. On the other hand, if the paragraph has customer needs and we are out of stock? That is definitely a loss of 50 yuan. In a sense, every time a piece of stock is sold out, it means that there are 5 stocks. However, franchisees often only see the terrible inventory, but can not see the danger of out of stock, because the stock is an implicit loss, and the loss of inventory is dominant.

Some franchisees believe that the stock-out phenomenon can be completed through replenishment. In fact, many brand companies will also have a certain amount of equipment when they produce orders to meet the appropriate replenishment of franchisees. However, it is not possible for a brand company to have a large amount of equipment for each model, and franchisees in the course of their business operations are often severely out of stock, which is usually the smooth elimination of all the stores of the entire brand, relying only on the first orders of the brand companies. The amount of equipment is not enough. In order to meet the replenishment of the franchisees, the brand company will definitely place a single purchase order. This will not only delay the production of other goods (the following season's products), but also affect the delivery time and product quality of the next season's goods. Brand companies shift their management focus to the production sector. At present, the most important Chinese apparel companies are marketing management and product research and development. If the brand companies focus on production, it will inevitably affect the strength of the entire brand company, which will have an inestimable negative impact on franchisees' retail market. .

Therefore, the ordering system is an inevitable trend in the management of the apparel industry. The author predicts that brand companies will gradually improve and improve their ordering system and management in recent years. For example, buy-out order system, order-by-order system, pre-order meeting time, work arrangement of order meeting, order guidance and training for franchisees, etc.

Second, the franchisee's pre-order work 1, the statistics and analysis of the original sales data The purpose of the order is to sell, that is, ordering should be carried out around the sales. Therefore, before participating in the ordering meeting, we must count the sales data for the last quarter of this year and place orders based on this sales data.

1) Total sales volume The total number of sales for the current quarter this year determines the total number of orders placed this season. However, it does not mean how many sales were made this season. Because when you order 1,000 shipments, your sales must be less than 1000, and it will produce a certain amount of inventory. We need to figure out how many stocks are out of stock during the season last year and how many stocks are sold because they are discounted in order to reduce the final actual inventory, so that we can analyze the sales data of this quarter last year. Still actually exceeded the sales capacity of the shop. In addition, some franchisees believe that there is a certain amount of inventory in the store, and this amount should be subtracted from this order. This idea is also worth discussing. In some brands, such as men's wear, where popular changes are not particularly large, a portion of the inventory can be subtracted, but not all. For brands that have a fast-moving change (such as women's wear), this cannot be reduced. Because last year's costumes were brought together this year, they could only be counterproductive. Inventory left over from last year may be considered for promotion before new arrivals in this season.

2) Sales volume and proportion of each category For example, how many shirts were sold in the current season and how much trousers were sold, etc. How much denim in trousers, how many trousers, how many trousers and how many cropped trousers should be counted and analyzed. On the other hand, it depends on which categories are difficult to sell and which categories have potential, so that appropriate adjustments can be made after the statistics are collected.

3) The proportion of sizes in each category cannot be taken for granted when determining the size of the order. Some franchisees believe that we are in the north and we should be more than one big. This is not precise enough, and a specific size ratio should be analyzed by sales. In addition, the size ratio of different categories of sales in the same area may also be different. For example, according to the convention, women's slings are relatively picky. Generally, those who are overweight rarely wear slings, and the sales of small size may be slightly higher. The windbreaker category is generally loose, and some brands The windbreaker may still be more professional, and it may be better to sell large-size yards. These may make a difference, so you should base your analysis on the sales data.

4) The proportion of the color of each category in the proportion of the different colors is also the same as the actual sales data. For example, in the next season, the proportion of dark colors and plain colors will generally be a bit higher, and the tops will be more colorful and bright. These can not be franchisees own final say, but through the analysis of sales data.

5) Analysis of other data The statistics and analysis of the above four aspects are very important. The franchisee must do a job before ordering. In addition to these aspects, according to the different brand positioning, there are other data that must be statistically analyzed. For example, in the specific styles above, in the men's suits, the proportion of double splits and single splits, the proportion of two buckles and three buckles, etc.; in the women's shirts, the proportion of professional shirts and casual shirts, etc. The sales proportion of fabrics, the proportion of flower-shaped sales, and the proportion of sales of different types of collars in T-shirts should all be counted and analyzed.

6) Performance growth The sales data for the previous quarter was only used as a reference. It also depends on the sales growth rate for the entire year. Based on several quarters of sales potential and actual sales, we can analyze the growth rate of our store's performance. Of course, the growth rate of performance does not mean that it will only increase, but it may also be due to competition, management, branding, etc. The growth rate is negative.

7) Where did the data of the newly opened stores come from? Some of the franchisees selected the brands that were opened in the first year. Then there would be no sales figures for the current season. What should be done at this time? In general, the first quarter of the store's opening season is that there is no order, because the ordering meeting has already finished early, and some brand companies may not open orders for the first 2-3 quarters of the early morning, but by the brand company. Distribution. For the first time, these new franchisees will participate in the trade fair, and they will count the data for each quarter before, and then estimate the total amount according to the local quarterly sales time and sales. Franchisees communicate with each other, especially those closer to the franchise. The specific sales time and sales ratio should be analyzed according to the actual situation in the area. Each large area may be different. For example, the northern region has a short summer and the winter has a longer sales time. The Yunnan-Guizhou region has four seasons such as spring. In Guangdong, there are no winters or winters, accounting for nearly half of the sales time.

2. Analysis of product series of local similar brands The competition in the clothing retail market is very fierce now. It is not enough just to look at their own products and sales data to order. "Sun Tzu's Art of War" also mentioned that "knowing oneself and knowing oneself, knowing each other well, fighting every battle; knowing one's best friend, one win and one loss." This means that if you do not understand your opponent and only know yourself, the odds of winning or losing will be equally halved; Also know that you will not lose the battle after 100 battles. It shows the importance of understanding the competitors.

Due to brand positioning, brand product line advantage, and brand company's product order strategy, etc., as franchisees must observe and understand the situation of local similar brands of goods. For example, your brand or shop next door, in which the jeans styles and fabrics are similar to yours, but the price is lower than you, and the actual number of sales and performance is indeed better than yours. Another example is that some brands are relatively strong in shirts, and some brands are more advanced in terms of jackets... We must all be very good at investigating and understanding. If there are indeed some brands in the local store that are stronger than us in a certain category, then we have to reduce the order quantity in this category. Of course, if you need to reduce the amount of style, we must set according to the actual situation. If you are trying to avoid him, you can consider reducing the number of styles in this category; if you want to compete with him, then you can not reduce the number of styles in this category, or even increase, and then go through a certain marketing means to compete with him . However, it must be controlled in quantity. There is a saying called “You walk your sunshine way, I've got my single-plank bridge”. Each brand has its own strength. Generally speaking, there is no need to take its own eggs to challenge other people's stones.

Second, the order of several advanced concepts 1, ordering is completed in the end of this season, after the end of sales, some franchisees believe that orders to see the seasonal products, completed in the quarter of product orders, product development is much better Set aside, otherwise set aside a little. In fact, when the sales are completed this season, the product orders for the season this season should have been almost completed.

Of course, this does not mean that the development of the branded company product has no effect on the sales of the terminal store. On the contrary, the quality of product development in each quarter of the brand company directly affects the market response, which is the sales performance of the terminal store. We think that ordering can be completed at the order meeting, and after the completion of sales in the last quarter of this year, the order has already been placed. The biggest difference between these two franchisees is in the mentality and philosophy. Think of ordering as a franchisee to be completed at the trade fair. It is a state of mind that puts the fate on product and brand companies. Its own business management is passive; it considers orders to have been placed after the completion of sales this season last year. It is an idea to take fate in your own hands. This is a kind of initiative and optimism. The latter is more active in the business process. It is less affected by objective factors, and it can control the daily operations of the stores and has a strong ability to respond to some unexpected phenomena.

2, ordering more than less than good orders Some franchisees in the summary of the ordering data in the past that, why each order is not accurate, either more, or less (of course, the phenomenon of Chinese franchisees too many orders are rare Basically, orders are not enough to sell.) In fact, there is no standard answer for orders for the same store. Assume that the sales capacity of a certain store during the season is 1000 pieces. When you order 800 pieces, you must also generate inventory at the end of the season (assuming 150 pieces). At this point, some franchisees began to feel fortunate, "Fortunately, only 800 were booked. If the company was miserable, it would be OK to book 650 items." Conversely, when you book 1,500 items, You must also have stock (possibly 400). Then, if you count one account, which one is more cost-effective?

We then turn to the above question and analyze it. The store does not have a fixed sales ability. The actual sales of orders are related to your order. Regardless of how much you order, there will always be a certain amount of inventory, which is an inevitable phenomenon in the management of clothing retail store goods. When your order is set more (of course, not infinitely more, but more than a certain percentage of your sales capacity), your actual sales will be higher, while the inventory at this time will increase , but the inventory does not mean that there is no money, franchisees do not have to see the last year's inventory in the warehouse on the heart uncomfortable, which depends on the overall profit.

The author has analyzed the contrast between the out-of-stock and inventory hazards in the past. Since neither of them can absolutely avoid it, then it is better to prefer more than one.

3, the area determines the amount of style, the total number of sales decision then, is not that the larger the amount of shops should be more? This is not necessarily the case. The size of the store area is not related to the quantity of orders. The total quantity of orders is determined by analysis of the sales data of the previous quarter.

In the store's merchandise management, the number of styles will also affect sales. Since ZARA entered China last year, many Chinese brands have vowed to "make China's Z card." Therefore, brand companies have encouraged their franchisees to order "a lot less." In fact, many clothing stores in China have too many styles, so that the display of the shop is very messy and looks like a lot of bulk goods. The author here is not a denial of learning, but there must be ways to learn, to learn only God, not to learn its shape. And our brand companies and franchisees are often the opposite, only learning its shape, not learning about God. How much the style of the order should be determined by the size of the store, because the style is used to display the store. Of course, if you feel that your own management of goods and the management of goods between stores can be done very professionally, the amount of money is not negligible.

Then, if a small-scale store, due to its location, management and other factors, the sales situation is very considerable, it should be a small number of models, a single average number of pieces, so that the total number of pieces; on the contrary, if the area is large and sales in general, There are a lot of money. For the small amount of money, some people will worry that too few styles will make local consumers often fail to see the new style and lose confidence in brands and stores. This kind of concern is not necessary. Because first of all, it is the management problem of the goods, and secondly this is a feasible method that has been verified by the market.

4. Ordering cannot be based on sight alone. In particular, women's franchisees do women's, men's franchisees to do men's clothing, always like to select styles with their own eyes. The eyes of the franchisees only represent their own interests and do not represent the interests of the mainstream customer groups of the brand. In addition, people in different regions have certain differences in the aesthetic perspective of clothing.

In the choice of style, but also with the local competition of similar brands. For example, in the men's wear, some brands of jackets are strengths, and some brands of suits are strengths... to avoid the frontier.

In addition, there are also competitions between styles and styles of their own brands. For example, the same T-shirts are more like models and fabrics, and they have some competition in sales. Even if two similar styles are smooth, it is difficult for one customer to buy both at the same time. In the ordering, attention should be paid to such situations, and the time period for loading goods must be differentiated.

5, let the manager participate in the ordering decision people often say "responsible manager system", but really can not do much. Especially in ordering this "critical problem", the average franchisee is afraid to let the manager participate in the decision. Some franchisees also take the manager to the trade fair, but they are generally used as fitting models, even if the manager’s comments are “for reference only”.

Franchisee should let the manager participate in the decision of ordering, some well-managed stores can even directly make the manager to order. The manager directly faces the customer every day, and is familiar with the previous styles. He knows well about the money, money, and consumption. He can understand why the money will disappear and why the money will be stagnant. It is the customer's style. The direct face of reactions in terms of colors, fabrics, prices, etc. Allowing managers to participate in ordering decisions can effectively improve order quality.

Of course, there are also some franchisees who think that their manager does not possess these capabilities. This is the management problem of the franchisee to the manager, and is not the reason why the shop manager is not involved in the order decision. If this happens, franchisees should improve the managers' management capabilities.

Fourth, sales of goods management 1, on the goods management E card, O card, J card. M brand... Most of these brands are shopping malls. Generally, the area of ​​shopping malls is only about 40 square meters, and these brands are mainly based on hanging. The display area occupied by hanging is relatively large. In other words, the styles displayed at one time by these shops are very few. Are these brands developing very few styles each season? Certainly not, on the contrary, the number of styles developed by these brands each season is more than that of domestic brands. The effect of the display on the shop makes people see the style is very clear, is the shop's cargo management.

Chinese brand companies and franchisees should all strengthen their learning on shipment management. The vast majority of brand companies sent goods to the stores at the first time after they were put into the warehouse by the production department and called themselves the "Z brand logistics speed management." The franchisee is displayed at the first time after receiving the goods. In this way, by the end of the quarter, there may be more than 100 styles displayed on the 60-square-foot store, which would be very messy and affect the sales of the store.

The goods should have a preliminary plan after the end of the order. First, in conjunction with its own area and the total sales time of the season, in addition to the first batch of goods, the average number of planned goods, each time an average of several paragraphs, once a new product every few days. This will not only allow your employees to master better product knowledge, but also allow customers to see newer frequencies more frequently. Second, we must take into consideration the amount of goods ordered. Special attention should be paid to the first few models of the order quantity in each category, because these models are the major production point of profits and are most likely to have a backlog of inventory. Clothing is a time-saving sales product, so these styles of goods to be combined with weather conditions, once the actual delivery time is later than expected, some very short life styles are likely to cause backlog. In addition, these models must focus on display, focus on promotion. The third consideration is to avoid competition between styles. For example, there are two similar styles, it is best not to load goods at the same time.

2. There is no standard answer for replenishment management orders, nor can it be completely consistent with actual sales. Therefore, there is usually a replenishment work during the sales process. In order to improve the efficiency of goods management in shops, the proportion of replenishment should be as small as possible, and the main proportion should be placed on the order. In order to encourage franchisees to make more orders, some brand companies have differentiated the discount and return policy for ordering and replenishment. In this way, replenishment will not only affect the logistics speed, but also increase the cost of product purchases.

Once the actual sales ability of some styles is much stronger than the order quantity, when franchisees need to replenish products, they can't just sell one piece of clothing according to the number of pieces sold. At this point to analyze the sales life cycle of the section, as well as daily sales estimates. The life cycle includes the weather temperature, the time and maximum number of local customers accepting the same model. For example, there is a 20-day salesable life cycle, in which the average daily sales potential in the first 13 days is 5, and the average daily sales potential in the next 7 days is 3, and the total estimated sales of 86 items, minus the current inventory , is the total amount we want to make up. Then assign according to color and size.

Restocking also takes into account the issue of total order quantity. Assuming that the total order volume is too high, beyond the actual sales capacity, we must reduce the replenishment volume, because sales can not be completed by only one paragraph. If there is a large amount of circumstance, a large number of replenishments are also made for individual consumers, although the sales volume of this model has increased, but it has increased the risk of a total inventory inventory. At this point you can shift the focus of display and sales to other styles, and careful replenishment.

3. Inventory Management Inventory is one of the biggest headaches for franchisees. Franchisees' understanding of inventory is mostly concentrated in two aspects. One is that after the end of a quarter of sales, the remaining goods are called inventories; the other is that in a quarter, non-regular sales and the last remaining goods are collectively called inventories. Different understandings show the franchiser’s different understanding and understanding of inventory, and the franchisee’s different views on handling inventory.

In fact, inventory refers to the inventory of warehouses and is all the goods in the season. In other words, inventory is not generated after the end of sales, but has already occurred at the time of ordering. The more you order, the more you stock. Well, we can make two understandings. First, the sales process is the process of handling inventory; second, the higher the average discount of the inventory, the higher the contribution rate of the goods.

Then, from a theoretical analysis, only when the order quantity is greater, more profit may be generated. When your order quantity is too small compared to your store's operating costs, even if you sell them all at a normal price, you will not generate too much profit. This also confirms the above-mentioned concept of "order less than better than ordering." In addition, our calculation of profit margins is calculated based on both the total number of sales and the average sales discount. Therefore, we consider both the total number of orders and the average sales discount at the same time when considering the profit of goods in the store. We cannot simply say that the higher the average sales discount, the higher the profit of the store.

In addition, Hezhong Marketing Planning believes that the preparation for the early stage of the order is also very important. It is an indispensable factor for the success of this order. We must not ignore it! When we are all ready, how can we kick the door on the spot of the fair?

“Hotel Politics” must do a good job in the meeting room enterprises are most afraid of individual venues caused by dissent on the spot caused by the scene of 尴尬 or even collective mood, this will not only bring orders to the meeting will be the failure of the order, but also for the next half of sales Negative impact.

Therefore, it is important to communicate in depth with agents and dealers. Found that agents, distributors have objections, or ideological fluctuations, emotional reactions, companies must communicate with them in time to prevent it from breaking out at the event. This requires that these possible problems be avoided before the trade fair.

On the contrary, if there are several dealers actively ordering at the venue, the enthusiastic role model can bring positive effects. How can we set an example and promote the atmosphere of the meeting room, which requires the responsible dealers to communicate with the dealer in advance.

If there are unexpected events on the site, the emotional distributors should be immediately isolated. Please communicate to the outside of the venue separately. At the same time, someone should organize the dealer to continue the order and avoid the influence. However, after all this has already happened and the adverse effects still exist, it is better to separate the problems that may arise on the scene in the bud and reduce the probability of occurrence. This requires “hotel politics”.

The so-called "hotel politics" means that the clerk and the distributor communicated well in the hotel prior to the ordering meeting and "settled it to the venue." If you do not communicate well with the dealer in time, let their emotions play in the venue, then the entire order will be a loss. The extent to which distributors must be required in advance, which aspects must be stabilized, and the circumstances under which they are to lead, all depend on doing a good job of "hotel politics."

"Hotel politics" is a "human-to-human" tactic. For example, the person in charge of the Hubei market starts from the dealers staying in the Hubei district and begins to communicate with him. He finds problems and reassures him and issues dissent and complaints from dealers. Complaints and grievances are all resolved in the hotel to ensure that the site's order is carried out in an orderly manner according to the company's thinking.

Therefore, the day before the fair was very important. On the previous night, the personnel responsible for the distributors were able to communicate with the distributors. The staff members were generally staffed by experienced employees who had participated in the fair and were familiar with the business, so as to prevent policies involving communication. Business problems like this do not respond well.

In addition, it must be emphasized that no matter what problems are encountered on the site, the only solution is to solve them. Do not complain from the dealers. The staff also complains or shirks responsibility. Because this situation is the worst, if you let the dealers see, the brand image will be greatly reduced, and directly affect the dealer's order mood. Therefore, the status of the staff is very important, which requires a clear and scientific division of work for the trade fair and full mobilization of work enthusiasm.

We must set up a mobile team ordering meeting. On-site workers must complete their work in strict accordance with the division of labor, and they can exert their subjective initiative. However, they must be related to their own "inside-inside," and they must not be completely impulsive. They should do so in full accordance with their own consciousness. For example, if you do not find someone on the job without a job, you can take the initiative. Because this will cause people to be serviced in areas where there is a lack of manpower, nobody will be responsible for what they should do well, and the venue will be confusing. Therefore, the ordering site needs a very rigorous and meticulous division of labor, in accordance with the duties of division of labor.

When ordering work, it is necessary to set up a mobile team to work with the appraisal team. During the appraisal, when the service staff is found missing, immediately dispatch the individual from the mobile team and the appraisal team immediately finds The original colleague leaving the post ordered him to return to work and continue his assessment.

In addition, the role of the appraisal team in the field is also very important. It is necessary to inspect the entire venue and coordinate with the general commander to supervise the work situation of the personnel on the conference floor and handle the personnel’s arrangements in a timely manner. Before the start of the trade fair, it must be emphasized that the on-site personnel hold their posts and do not leave the post or replace the post without permission.

Communication, security, and time control can not be less Many companies will find the planning company will be responsible for the planning of the specific project planning, planning the company is the joint efforts of the ordering meeting, the ordering site to do a good job, and cooperation is also an important role. There are a lot of details to work together to make it more clear. Apart from fully communicating with third parties prior to the trade fair, it is necessary to reach an agreement with the third party. During the fair, the third party will send staff to help prevent the scene from being unfamiliar with the details.

The most important thing at the time of opening is to control the time. When a leader is half an hour late, the schedule will be completely disrupted, and this will inevitably affect the follow-up arrangements. A good start is half the battle. We must ensure that time does not differ greatly from the plan, so that the process can proceed smoothly. Everyone took the stage to speak, 10 minutes is 10 minutes, there should be an agreement in advance, do not allow it to play, so as not to affect the follow-up work.

In addition, on-site communication and safety work is very important. The communication methods of all staff are organized into a list, with a single staff and convenient contact. At the same time, communication discipline must also be emphasized. There should be no shutdown and mobile phone arrears. There have been cases where the company’s staff was shut down because of psychological pressure.

All the stairs should have security force. Some of the orders will be selected at the beach or in the village. Pay attention to the safety of each person and do not be extremely sad.

These tasks will be handled by the commander in a unified way. It must be emphasized that the general commander must be an “embedded” person and cannot be specifically responsible for affairs, otherwise, the overall situation cannot be observed. Some enterprises are hindered by their leadership, and the chairman and general manager are the general commanders. This is not a sensible approach. The chairman and the general manager are the protagonists of the order meeting, but they also serve as general commanders and have no time to attend. Therefore, it is more appropriate for the general commander to be served by an employee of the planning department. All people at the venue must listen to their command, including leadership.

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