Casual Brand "Intersection": Joining Walmart

Casual Brand "Intersection": Joining Walmart
Not long ago, Cross Point Garment Co., Ltd. and Wal-Mart Stores Co., Ltd. (Wal-Mart) reached a marketing cooperation plan to promote the further promotion and expansion of cross-point brands.

Cheng Xin, president of the intersection, said that the intersection with Wal-mart will be a win-win situation for both parties. This means that the intangible promotion of cross-point brands and the broadening of the marketing network mean that in the future, where there is Wal-Mart, there will be cross-sports apparel sales areas, and Wal-Mart's cross-point counters will not affect The local intersection stores sell, and they will play a good role in promoting and branding the local market. On the other hand, it has also solved a major problem for the intersection. Most of the points provided by Wal-Mart at the intersection are regular-priced items, which also include discounted goods that have been picked up, that is, turning some of the inventory into liquid funds, In terms of significance, it is a milestone for the intersection.

It is understood that the intersection point, Wal-Mart's cooperation between the two ways is to use Wal-Mart to use its international brand advantage to establish cross-point brand apparel sales areas in some stores in mainland China, in order to enhance the visibility of the intersection brand; at the same time, the intersection is responsible for providing the most to Wal-Mart high quality products. Walmart orders the intersections based on several quarters of the year. Cheng Xin believes that there are three main reasons for promoting cooperation between the two parties: First, the price is close; second, quality and quality; and third, there must be enough products to provide.

The strategic alliance with Wal-Mart is not the first time that the intersection has leveraged the influence of international brands to increase its domestic and international influence and brand awareness. At the time of the 28th Athens Olympic Games, the intersections also invested heavily in sponsoring the Chinese Olympic support team and were tracked and reported by major media at home and abroad. And, as early as two years ago, the intersection products were exported to the United Arab Emirates, South Africa, and North Africa.

Now, with the joint launch of the intersection and Wal-Mart's cooperation plan, the intersection brand will be promoted to a greater extent, making it international, sticking to the pace of international and domestic development of the two lines, the intersection point brand network is also developing. Constantly grow and improve.